-Romantic Suspense Author-
Destiny Booze
“Prepare yourself for success. You have to see it coming to get there.” ― Destiny Booze
Make-believe is more than a child's game!
Dear Readers,
First and foremost, I truly hope that you read my books and I hope you love them. Writing and storytelling is a passion and a calling in my life. It's something I love to do and want to do, but also something I am compelled to do. I encourage anyone with that same ambition -- that burn or desire in your gut -- to do what your heart leads you to do, no matter what that might be. It may be God's voice that you hear, a voice telling you that this thing is exactly what you are created to do.
I believe more than anything else that dreams are meant to be chased with reckless abandon. That is the one thing of value that I have to share with all of my readers. Don't just imagine what you can be. Go out there and make it happen!
For me, it is writing. What is it for you? Thank you so much for visiting my website. I hope you come back and visit often. Please, contact me and share your thoughts and feelings. I love hearing from you.
Thank you so much,
Destiny Booze
New Release

"I literally gasped...You have an amazing talent for making the reader love the character(s)...very refreshingly original."
John McAllister, Editor
“...I could not put this book down. It was a thrill ride from the beginning to the end. Her characters are complex and the plot kept me wondering what was going to happen next. I did not expect the ending. That takes talent."
Regina, Amazon reviewer