-Romantic Suspense Author-
Destiny Booze
“Prepare yourself for success. You have to see it coming to get there.” ― Destiny Booze
Make-believe is more than a child's game!
"...Read this novel and see if you can honestly answer the question of what it would take to make you a killer, because no matter how righteous you think you are, everyone has a breaking point. For the protagonist in this story, I believe it is a lifetime of feeling defeated, and having known so little love in his life that losing any amount of that is horribly devastating. As for Chris and Aiden, I feel they could very easily have succumbed to the same fate, but instead turned their fears and anger inward... Put yourself in their place as tides of emotional and psychological warfare wash over them and really experience how their feelings for each other may be their only chance for survival."
~ Lototy, Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance
“…OMG is what you’ll be thinking as you read this thrilling novel. Destiny Booze has included romance, suspense, fantasy, and twists and turns you won’t even see coming. This is one of those books you might put down momentarily, but the draw of what is going to happen next will reel you back in…you won’t know “who done it” until the very end…”
~ Ginger Simpson, eBooks Examiner
"This book has a very inventive plot with an ending I didn't see coming. The characters were likable. Very emotional read in parts. Destiny should think about making this character, Chris Chambers, and her team into a series. James Patterson's woman's murder club better watch out...Destiny is coming."
~ bookaholic, Shelfari Reader
“…some laugh-out-loud moments and some touching ones. Will there be a Chris Chambers series? Let’s hope so… This is a book that will intrigue you. You will want to know how it ends, whether you like it or not.”
~ Elizabeth Provenzano, Tulsa Books Examiner
"...Destiny is an author you should be ready to follow into the big leagues...Destiny’s mind is a frightfully delightful one that continues to bring out one great novel after another. You won’t put this down until you see 'whodunit'."
~ Mind Fog Reviews
"a spine tingling roller coaster ride through my favorite subjects, murder and the unknown."
~ Author Tamela Quijas
"Highly psychological in its whole, yet lighthearted and entertaining, this novel is highly worth the time it takes to snuggle up and read...The killer --- well, that's a whole different topic. Something that can only be described as both highly interesting and disturbing. Something that I have never experienced before within a novel..."
~ Anna, Goodreads Reader
"I literally gasped...You have an amazing talent for making the reader love the character(s)...very refreshingly original."
~ John McAllister, Editor
They can’t win. The perpetrator is using a marvel in the medical field known as techlepathy, a combination of technology and telepathy to produce a telepathic result. He’s reading their minds. How can they possibly get away when he knows their every move?
Chris Chambers is a private investigator with great instincts and a shady past. She works with a skilled team on cases that most P.I.’s won’t touch. She’s hardened to life, hardened to people and as tough as the military trained her to be.
Her team’s newest case is a construction worker by the name of Aidan Wolfe. Aidan is hardheaded and successful, a man with no friends and a long list of enemies. Someone is trying to kill him, someone with extraordinary gifts.
The investigative team and Aidan will be confronted with their worst enemies—themselves. They are cursed to face their own thoughts, inner fears, prejudices, and every private feeling or emotion they have as this man toys with their minds and hearts.
Can they survive? By the end, will they want to?
It was dark by the time Chris hung the sheet up, cleaned up dinner, and made out assignments for the next day.
Lucky was outside roaming for his last time of the night. She glanced at her watch—9:12 PM. It had been a long day to say the least. Her typical work schedule during an investigation was 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Getting beat up on the first day had encouraged her to put in extra hours.
She hadn’t seen Aidan or Leon since dinner. She was still in the dog house, and she deserved it, she knew. She had been hard on Aidan, too hard considering he was paying her salary. With the exception of that one slip with Harry Jacobson, she had never talked to a client in that way before. Was she losing control? He made her feel on fire whenever he looked at her. Lashing out at him was her only defense.
“Sabrina and I slept together the night before the wedding.”
If not for years of training, Chris would have jumped out of her skin at the sound of that velvet voice. She had just been thinking about him and there he stood. The living room suddenly felt very small.
Aidan stood by the wall, keeping his arms crossed and his posture lax. “We both wanted her first time to be special and I knew I couldn’t provide that with a ten-minute session before I left after the ceremony. Sabrina wouldn’t have cheated on me. The baby was mine.”
Chris stayed silent, letting him say all he had to say.
“You don’t believe that, do you?”
She honestly didn’t want to hurt him, even if her actions at dinner suggested otherwise. She shook her head no. She figured if she kept her mouth shut, it couldn’t do any damage.
She stared at him for a long time without answering.
“I want to hear it. Maybe the pina-coladas were non-alcoholic. Or maybe she just didn’t know she couldn’t drink because she hadn’t been to the doctor yet. What aren’t you saying?”
She shrugged as she said, “Hunch, mostly. Mr. Hilton talked about that baby as if it were his. He said he was close to Sabrina before you even entered the picture. There’s every chance I’m wrong, but my job is to figure out the whole picture. To see the things you aren’t seeing, part of that is guesswork. I can’t get to point Z without making a few assumptions. I’m trying to help you, Mr. Wolfe. To do that, I need you to be perfectly honest with me. Mr. Hilton had a definite bone to pick with you. Are you still sleeping with Sabrina?”
“No,” Aidan said.
She was more relieved by his answer than was professionally necessary.
“At least not lately.”
Damn. “When?”
“Our anniversary would have been in April. We got together for a drink and…it just happened. It meant nothing.”
Two months ago. Ms. Peterson was in her first trimester. “Then, this baby could be yours.”
He stared at her dumbfounded for a moment. Jeez, was the guy always this dense? She got more specific. “Did you even use protection?”
Double Damn. She wanted to shake this stubborn man and knock some sense into him. He was fooling around with another man’s fiancée and wondered why someone wanted him dead. She hated domestic cases. She also hated the situation because she really hated to think this man still had feelings for his ex-wife. And she didn’t want to analyze why his love life would bother her.
Leon entered the room with an easy stroll and an easier smile. “Hell Chris, maybe you should just move into this crib. Are you going to leave any time soon?”
Her answer was absorbed by the loud crash of the bay window imploding. Glass flew through the air faster than the noise traveled. The sheet covering the window collapsed to the floor in a ball.
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The Curse of a Mind
Churning dilemmas, decisions and continuous thoughts,
It is a tiring process where answers are sought.
~The mind’s infinite curse~
A burden for which a penny has bought,
Jumbles of chaos, bursts of insight materialize from naught.
Uncle, uncle, I cry! It is rest I crave,
Blessed blankness or dreams on a wave,
~The mind’s infinite curse~
No on or off switch, no option or control until the grave,
Until then, the information I hold I have to save.
Retardation and autism from an altered brain,
Still have no escape from the pain.
~The mind’s infinite curse~
For it is not ignorance that challenges the sane,
It is what we know, a problem of the vain.
Slumber, oh beautiful slumber, refuses to come,
At least allow me to go numb.
~The mind’s infinite curse~
Make the madness stop, I beg as a bum,
I know in my astute desperation, there is no where to run.
Enter other techniques, including the sheep,
The frustrations drive me crazy and I weep.
~The mind’s infinite curse~
Okay, time to make the decision to push away the secrets I keep,
It is time to take a deep breath, let it all go and just go to sleep.
Destiny Booze