-Romantic Suspense Author-
Destiny Booze
“Prepare yourself for success. You have to see it coming to get there.” ― Destiny Booze
Make-believe is more than a child's game!

Destiny Booze grew up at a campground in Virginia where her childhood was full of hard work and excitement. She met a large variety of diverse people with widespread tales about fun and adventure. She grew into a young lady with a very active imagination.
Destiny attended Virginia Western Community College for two years. Her writing career began as a community journalist, yet creative writing was always her passion. In May of 2009, she released her debut romantic suspense novel, Altered Beginnings.
Destiny resides in Botetourt County with her husband, son and house full of pets where she strives to be the best wife, mother and writer that she can be. Her family is always priority number one. Other things of great importance to her are friends, and YOU, the readers!
When describing herself, Destiny says:
I am a hopeless romantic, an optimist even. I want happily-ever-after. I want to believe in the good in everyone. At the end of the day, I want to be proud of myself.
My life is simple, some would even say boring. I work hard and play often, plan big and dream even bigger. I believe I have the power to make my dreams come true. Through faith and a positive attitude, I know that I can achieve success for me and my family.
I want everyone to have a passion for their lives. Do you have a dream? If not, why don't you? They cost nothing. Go get one. I insist.